January Reading List

I’ve always loved to read and thanks to my Kindle and breastfeeding, I read a lot! I love a paper book but as many mamas know, fiddling with a book and a baby just ain’t so easy.

I love finding a good book, turning airplane mode on, and settling in to cuddle and nurse at naptime and bedtime each day with Clancy. It is a highlight of my day and his too.

I’ve started the year out reading some real gems.

Maybe you could use some reading inspiration? Here are the books that I enjoyed in January 2021.


I really enjoyed this incredible book about Bernice Ende and her dog Claire and her different mounts... riding months on end around the country, time and time again! It's been a wild ride as she encounters weather and helpful people and harsh but beautiful vistas... Sometimes she is prepared, other times not but she always perseveres and learns and leans into the miles yet to come, planned and unplanned. Talk about G R I T. She also shares the history of particular places she rides through and takes a special interest in the suffragettes and strong women that changed their worlds and gave women today the freedom and rights that we have. Find her book and video here if you are trying to support Amazon less.

I was drawn to this book by L.M. Montgomery because I have ready half the Anne of Green Gables books and I do enjoy the voice of this historic author. This is a unique book with a unique story. The main character takes sudden control of her life after receiving a serious diagnosis. She is self-reformed and liberated, living in a way that is gutsy and bold and independent. She finds love and peace and so much more. It was an inspiring and witty read, one that I may just read again in the coming years.

Wow, wow, wow. This book was recommended to me by a friend. She shared with me a passage that she thought would speak to me. Gosh, it did. I had to read it and I found on every page myself relating to the author in her trials of motherhood, farming, and life with horses. Her descriptions of life on the farm are crisp and real and raw and perfect. It is a wonderful read for any mother or soul who earns for land and to feed others but also for the soul who buys from their local farmer. It is insightful, interesting, inspiring and so relatable. Find her books here if you are trying to support Amazon less.

Just so you know…

These are NOT affiliate links. I don’t make a lick if you buy through these links and I highly suggest that you buy these books through the author’s personal site or rent them through your public library.


GF Better Than Bisquick Pancakes


Our Queen has Fallen